Thursday, August 09, 2007



Sean Worsham said...

HOT DAMN! YOU KEEP ON GETTING BETTER AND BETTER! Your quick sketches look practically finished. :)

chrisallison said...

Great vehicle designs! They look really nice. And as always, your characters shine.

Hammerson said...

I'm truly impressed with your sketches (as always)! They look better than most people's finished drawings. And that comic is PERFECT! You should publish it somewhere. It's completely done in pencil, right? It's so well and cleanly drawn that it doesn't need any inking.

Ryan Khatam said...

hahahaha "i'm the happiest guy in the world"

that last page of drawings is really funny!

Patrick McMicheal said...

Very Nice....I like the 4th one down...The girls have nice round heads!!! I like them much better than pointy cone head shapes!!!
ALL of your work is wonderful!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha! I love the comic.

DonaldHelloStudio said...

hey, steffi! schön mal wieder von dir zuhören! wo hat es dich denn hin verschlagen? bist du jetzt etwa in amiland und pinselst fleissig cels, oder wie??? crazy, crazy...

Benjamin Arcand said...

nice stuff!
The cars are so cool & I really like the last page!

Drake Brodahl (pumml) said...

These are all great! Love the vehicles and the comic page is really well done!

geenpool said...

holy crap these are completely aresome!! you totally rule...i'm considering giving up.

Freshyfresh said...


Marco Bucci said...

cool drawings. Love the anime designs! Very tight.